Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The unanswered questinons of 09/11/2001

This is sad but if you really think about it, perfect ploy. A government leader failing to keep America behind him on a war we went in based on a lie anyway (weapons of mass destruction), How better to get the US behind you. If 9/11 was really terrorist why is there so many covered up and unanswered questions. Some things  physically impossible and so many first time in history situations. Is America this stupid? I challenge anyone to answer these questions that America should have been told answers to.
1) It was clearly a missile that hit the Pentagon. Those walls are designed to stop missiles. It is impossible for any passenger aircraft to penetrate that deep and leave such a small hole. Plus it would be the first time in history out of millions of aircraft crashes that a plans completely (with the exception of a few scraps) disintegrates. So why has the government not released the video the caught it on tape and not the 3 frames that show nothing, I mean the whole video?
2)Why were the bomb sniffing dogs removed from the Twin Towers and it inspected floor by floor just prior if they were not setting demolition charges?
3) Why are these the first 2 buildings in history to collapse out of the 1,000's that have been hit by aircraft from around the world?
4) Why were they putting put options and betting against the airline industry just before this happened. They all got rich. How did they know?
5)How could a building collapse from a fire ball of jet fuel going down an elevator shaft when the steel used to build the building is heat tested at a temperature hotter than jet fuel burns. Plus the video shows the explosions happening outside the building from the plans and the fuel which is in the wings is not in enough volume to burn all the way down the shaft. The building is way to large for this to be eve remotely possible. Plus fire would not travel down the elevator shaft anyway because there i an upward draft and fire would take the path of least resistance which would be right back out the hole created by the crash. Why didn't they believe the experts and firemen who told them this?
6) How can two building this tall collapse on them selves? Another first time in world history. And another impossible.
7)Why did they disregard the victim statements who said the heard the series of crackling like pops that are consistent with a controlled demolition?
8) Why was the side of the Pentagon that got hit mysteriously evacuated prior to attack? The whole side.
9) How can 2 men with box cutters tell 100's of people they are going to die and take over a whole plane and not 1 person show resistance knowing they have nothing to loose? Are Americans that weak and sad?
10) Why didn't Bush react with urgency when told the news? He looked like they told him something he already knew. Its like someone telling you your your kids school blew up while he was in school and you just sit there and continue your task at hand.
11) Why did the republicans not want to pass the bill to give assistance to the first responders?
12) Why were dump trucks found removing the Gold from under the twin towers and a lot of it was missing?
I can go on and on but the reason I say perfect ploy is that it is something so tragic that once a finger is pointed toward an already hated people they knew we would not re question the facts because it would be very difficult to understand the truth. Please get some real answers to these very real but tough questions.

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