Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CNN Anderson Cooper "Bullies"

Come on Mr. Cooper. This is all due to parents teaching their kids to be "punks". We all know that its not reality that our kids should think that if they are too expressive of their feelings or if they run to tell an adult everytime something goes wrong they will be labled a punk by other kids. Its not right but its reality. The dont fight back thing was the worst thing ever to tell a kid. Its a fact that bullies only bully people who are more punk than than them and that if they meet resistance they move on to the next kid. I used to be a bully myself and I just stopped because I started feeling sorry for the people and didnt understand how a man can let a man dominate him. Bullies dont care about the victems pain and hurt they just get a rush off it like a sense of being powerful. They prey on fear and kids can smell fear on a person. When they are met with a person who doesnt fear them they attemp the make them scared. If they person fights back, win or loose that person will no longer be bullied because its not worth the trouble. Remember bullies like easy targets. So teach your kids to stand up for themselves and it goes away. No secret formula, because kids no when you tattle the only way to get you is catch you alone and in school life its bound to happen. Adults cant always protect the kids so teach them the reality of the situation which is protect yourself

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