Tuesday, October 12, 2010


 "He who keeps for his own use, what would provide for the poor, is slaying all those who could have lived from his plenty."

 Trying to find a good church but they all teach from the incomplete bible. So closed minded. Do they not know the history of what they teach? Lets start with the new testament. Do they know that the content of this was decided with little to do with God and more to do with politics? Do they Know that it was put together to bring the Roman empire back together by the Emperor Constantine, a pagan who believed in multiple Gods and one day had a vision? Do they know that the first 4 gospels were chosen out of more than 50 including the oldest and one of the only eye witness account of both Jesus's death and resurrection, The Gospel of Peter? Also there was one of Judas, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, etc. That's why in the bible
there is a huge gap in the life of Jesus. No accounts of his teen years exist. This was done because these book (The Infancy Gospel of Thomas) painted a very different picture of Jesus and a more complete one of the faith. The reason behind it is the Romans wanted to control it and profit off of it.
           Why? Because the original teaching went against Roman beliefs. The Gospels that were written by women like Mary Magdalene and many more implied that women were sometimes leaders in the faith. Romans law would never have a woman be a leader in the church or anything else. Remember when Peter got upset when he found out that Jesus was telling Mary secrets about life after death that he never told the others. And the disciples told Peter "if Jesus finds her worthy who are you to say she is not?" In the original teaching Jesus and Mary were very close and he told her something he didn't tell the others because she would understand it better and relay it more understandable. There is even a book that describes Jesus's
marriage and kids but Romans believed that these accounts would make him seem more like us when they were trying to portray him in a different light.
           Also the original teaching say that Jesus is just a being like us and nothing more. The Gnostic's (a early set who held true to the original teaching and did not give in to Roman control) taught that religion was not in the church but within the people. They didn't believe in bishops and priest and having man control religion. They believed that religion was your personal connection this God. They believed that everyone could have a relationship with God the same way Jesus did if they believed the same way. They didn't not believe that woman was underneath man. They believed that women where equal. This didn't sit well with the Romans and when the Emperor Constantine set forth the 4 Gospels he said that all others were unfit for Roman belief. He also made it law that anyone caught reading any of the original gospels beside the ones he set forth were to be killed and all copies were to be destroyed. Many Gnostic's were forced into secret organizations to worship others were killed.
          The reason is because in a church you can control the belief system and make it what you want. The original text challenged a lot of roman beliefs. They had women in charge, Judas was not the betrayer of Jesus, man could have a personal relationship with God with out the need of a priest or bishop or even a church just like it was in the old testament. The gospel of Thomas was all saying of Jesus, Why was this not put in. Because it painted a different picture of Jesus. What about The gospel of Peter, Because it was an eye witness account of Jesus death and resurrection. It actually states that the Romans were sympathetic towards Jesus and did not beat and torture him. What about Mary's, A woman in power? not in Rome. Judas, not the betrayer. So if they have found all these lost books and proven alot of misconceptions wrong, Why haven't the added them? Simple answer is greed. Church is a multi billion $ business. Remember when Jesus spoke against the people profiting off selling sacrificial animals. Probably not because they didn't want that out either. They seen $ signs in the sacrifices. If people are going to sacrifice things to God anyway. Let have a system where they sacrifice to us and we tell them we will sacrifice it to God. Which went from animals to money. That's why Church leaders are all wealthy. If they were true to themselves they would be as rich as the poorest person in their church because they would bring the whole church up. But they would rather
say "have faith." than to give you a dollar. They blame every thing on Satan but who is he really? Since in all the original text he plays a much different role than in the more modern text. What about the first woman? No not Eve she was the second. I'm talking Lilith. Yes in the beginning GOD made man and woman both from the earth. Lilith was cursed because she disobeyed GOD after refusing to lay beneath Adam because she said she was equal. She was cast out of the Garden of Eden and then GOD laid Adam down and made a Eve out of one of his ribs so that she may be his. But this the Romans didn't want woman thinking they were equal to men so they did not include it. The book of Enoch describes the story of Lilith and the so called mystery of the dinosaurs which is no mystery at all. This book describes Lilith coming back as a demon and bringing with her hoards of giants that roamed the earth. The moral of the story is religious denominations were all created as a way to segregate people. All the scrolls were different accounts peoples views of what they saw or heard. All the different bibles came from the same pile of scrolls.They are only different because they came from different regions with different rulers and different takes on life. To know the true story you have to read them all. But religion did what they wanted it to do. Cause hate. Christians don't like Catholics, They don't even realize their whole religion is based on Catholicism and all of them came from Judaism. Jesus taught Judaism. So why do they think the only way to heaven is through Christianity when it started 100 of years
after Jesus died and Jesus was teaching Judaism to get to heaven. Oh yeah its the now covenant, Well if so why does GOD say in Isaiah:40 he needs no new covenant. His words are forever.

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